Dimensions of My Work Place
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Context Dimensions of my Work Place
What constitutes work context and how should it be represented? Consider an office. Offices are niches we inhabit and construct. When people enter our offices we have a collection of physical and symbolic resources, such as whiteboards, schedules, email, day planners, desk, sheet paper, and of course, computers, to coordinate or daily activity, and record outcomes. Their physical layout and their state constitute the current context of work.
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of family, friends and pets. This explains why organizational studies have under-emphasized the physical environment as unimportant, this is an error in many business. Conclusion Every office harbors inefficiencies, a fax machine that does not work properly, files disorganized or missing, high traffic areas that make productive work impossible. But the number of businesses that simply adapt to poor setups, rather than eliminating them, is surprising. Look around your office for these office productivity drains.
of family, friends and pets. This explains why organizational studies have under-emphasized the physical environment as unimportant, this is an error in many business. Conclusion Every office harbors inefficiencies, a fax machine that does not work properly, files disorganized or missing, high traffic areas that make productive work impossible. But the number of businesses that simply adapt to poor setups, rather than eliminating them, is surprising. Look around your office for these office productivity drains.