Dimensions of Culture, Values, and Communication Paper: Diversity in Communications

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Norms are unwritten laws that basically dictate what is right to do and what is unacceptable. Some norms vary from person to person, but other norms are collective within a society and different cultural backgrounds. This is important to know because when one understands different norms from their own, they are able to tailor their communication to achieve a desired result. The representation of culture has three primary dimensions - language, physical, and psychological. (Weaver, 2003) …

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…personal, educational, or professional lives. References: Bautista, V. (2005). The Filipino Americans (1763-Present) their history, culture <Tab/>& traditions. Naperville: Bookhaus University of Phoenix. (Ed.) (2003). Diversity issues in communication. [University <Tab/>Of Phoenix Custom Edition e-text] Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing. <Tab/>Retrieved October 17, 2005, from the University of Phoenix, Resource, <Tab/>Website: https://ecampus.phoenix.edu/secure/resource/resource.asp