Different views and multiple examples of video games

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Video Games There are many different views concerning video games, both negative and positive. Many people feel that the games are harmful and serve as an unintelligent and wasteful medium of entertainment. Others believe that these games have plenty to offer and will one day be as respected a medium as television, radio, and books. There are a number of examples and opinions to both sides of this issue. Most of the negative views about …

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…hours of entertainment, improve hand-eye coordination, and help people learn helpful skills. There are many different types of video games, and not all of them are violent. No studies seem to be decisive on how games effect impressionable young children, or if they effect them at all. Video games are an extension of humans' innate desire to play, and without these games, that desire would only express itself in a different fashion in another medium.