Different Views of Christians and Jews in Different Times - From the novel: My Name is Asher Lev

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When I read My Name is Asher Lev, I became very offended because I am a Christian. Asher, his family, and others throughout the book make references to how "goyim" are not good, and how wrongful acts are acts of the goyim. Asher felt guilty when he read our Bible because of the way he was raised. His mother was upset because Asher's painting had brought her to a discussion of Jesus, and Asher's father …

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…are different from back then after World War II. There still is prejudice and hatred, but much of it has been eliminated, and we all try to live and work together. If a person expressed the views of Asher's family now, I would be very offended. I do however, see the way the family felt, and it just shows how we have progressed through time, and the positive way people feel about each other now.