Differences Between Beowulf and Achilles

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Beowulf and Achilles are different in many ways; one of which is their character. Beowulf is a great warrior and leader who fought to protect his soldiers and to make places more peaceful. He also perfectly embodies the values of loyalty, pride, and courtesy. Achilles, on the other hand, is not as heroic as Beowulf, even thought he was also a great warrior and had superhuman strength, he mostly fought for revenge, social position, and …

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…so people would find him as a reliable leader and wouldn't be afraid to be his followers. I also think that he is more like a true epic hero because unlike Achilles, Beowulf isn't selfish and he doesn't seek for power or glory. He was a great warrior even though he didn't become a king for many years. Beowulf was also more reliable than Achilles, because Beowulf cared about everyone, not just himself unlike Achilles.