Difference Bonobo and Chimpanzee Essay

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Zoology
Aggressive behavior is typical of most primates. Gorillas, humans and chimpanzees kill members of their own species. The need for social and physical contact is also characteristic of most primates. Species that live in groups need to reconcile aggression. Social groups require some form of conflict resolution. Sexual behavior is one such mechanism to overwhelm aggression. Bonobo sex life is divorced from reproduction and also serves the functions of pleasure and conflict resolution. Females are …

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…of the roots of human behavior can be traced to our primate heritage, including survival through cooperation and mutual assistance. While the same mechanisms and purposes may underlie Bonobo and human social behavior, distinct solutions have evolved in these two groups. In particular, humans and Bonobos have developed different mechanisms for peacekeeping. Cultural transmission and highly developed symbolic language are particularly unique to humans. Human conflicts and aggression are typically reconciled and avoided through language.