Die Grunen and the Green Party

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
Introduction Green parties have rapidly become a familiar feature of the global political landscape. First elected into Parliament in 1983, the German greens, Die Grunen, would eventually achieve political success in 1998 by entering into a coalition government. Conversely, Green parties in North America, and specifically the United States, have not achieved the widespread success of their European counterpart. As a third party in a two-party system, the US Green Party garnered national recognition in the 2000 Presidential …

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…an assortment of factors including a lack of resources, funds, media attention and internal division contribute to the current failures of the Green Party USA. The non-proportional 'winner-take-all' two-party electoral system in the United States has a far more prominent role in constraining third party involvement in government. In both cases, it is an amalgamation of factors, and not just one singularly unique factor that directly contributes to the success or failure of Green parties.