Did the actions in Corfu and Bulgaria add or diminish the League of Nations over time?

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Essay Database > Law & Government > International
The League of Nations was created in 1920 to help countries settle down between them , become peacekeepers and solve problems overcoming the population. The major problems were drug control, Refugee work, famine relief and diseases which seemed one of its biggest successes for the League of Nations .The League of Nations was meant to help countries stay settled with each other ,instead it induced quarrels between countries. The League of Nations didn't always succeed in stopping …

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…caused all their previous work to fall down again and get even worse. The ones which feel those breakdowns are the populations which are the ones most fragile and weak. The League did for sure have both an add and a diminish from the actions of those quarrels which kept the world safe from another world war for a few years , giving people the opportunity to start over building family , homes , jobs and regain health.