Did the Portuguese "discover" Australia in the 1520's?

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Essay Database > History > World History
Did the Portuguese "discover" Australia in the 1520's? There is much circumstantial evidence to suggest that a Portuguese discovery of Australia in the 1520's is highly probable. There is much evidence to suggest that it was neither the Dutch nor the British to be the first Europeans to discover Australia, but the Portuguese, around the 1520's. As stated in McIntyre's "Secret Discovery of Australia" it is believed that "The evidence of pre-Cook, pre-Dutch visits by …

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…the New World, Accessed at www.theherald.co.uk/bookshelf/archive/20-2-19102-20-11-25.html most recently on 14.04.02: 9:34pm  DAVIDSON, G. et al, The Oxford Companion to Australian History, Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1998  LONEY, J. K., The Mahogany Ship, Dimboola, Victoria: Loney, 1974  MCINTYRE, K. G., The Secret Discovery of Australia: Portuguese Ventures 200 Years before Captain Cook, Mendindie, South Australia: Souvenir Press, 1977  WOOD, G. A., The Discovery of Australia, Melbourne: Macmillan Company of Australia, 1969