Did the Clutters have to die?

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Essay - Did the Clutters have to die? Truman Capote's book "In Cold Blood" is based on solving a crime of a first-degree murder. The victims of the massacre have been a family of four, killed by complete strangers. Was this brutality really necessary? One of the killers, Dick, believed so. He decided to wake Mr. Clutter up and question him. The second killer, Perry, on the other hand, had more reasonable ideas. Ever since …

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…though they had a chance to do it before the murder. Realize what would be ahead, and what would happen to them if proven guilty. Too bad for the Clutters, Dick did not consider all his options that night, leaving Clutters no chance to live. So who is to blame for their deaths? Why did they die? And did they have to die at all? Until the first blood was spilled, the answer was no.