Did Russian settlers in Latvia and Estonia form a non-Soviet identity during the Diaspora of the USSR?

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Essay Database > History > European History
Throughout Eastern Europe, across the Caucasus and as far away as the old silk roads of Central Asia we still see the former Soviet republics struggling to establish themselves as part of the world community. The break up of the USSR left a trail of confusion and dismay as newly independent countries were forced to realise their own national identity. But this was not the only legacy of mother Russia. During the Soviet years millions …

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…Halik & Marika Kirch, 'On Inter-ethnic Relations in Estonia'. (1992) Solzhenitsyn, A., 'The Russian Question at the End of the Twentieth Century', (Canada, Harper Collins Canada Ltd, 1995) Ed: Stephen White, Alex Pravda, Zvi Gitelman, 'Developments in Russian & Post Soviet Politics', (London, Macmillan Press, 1994) Lakis. J, 'Ethnic Minorities in the Post Communist Transformation of Lithuania', International Sociology, Volume 10 no.2, 1995 Ferdinand. P, 'Russia and the Russians after Communism: Western or Eurasia?', The World Today, Volume 48 no.12, 1992