Did Hawke-Keating government (1983-1996) represent a fundamental break with Labour Tradition?

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Essay Database > History > World History
The Hawke-Keating government of 1983-1996 did, to some extent, represent a fundamental break with Labour tradition. The 1980s and 1990s saw the triumph of the Australian Labor Party (ALP) as a governing party and its victory in four successive elections. It has been suggested that this was a "regenerated" Labor Party, which aspired to reform and reshape the traditional basis of Australian politics. Furthermore, the ALP government of this period has been highly criticised for …

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…CHRISTINE and STEWART, RANDAL G., Hawke and Australian Public Policy: Consensus and Restructuring, 1990, South Melbourne, Macmillan.  KELLY, PAUL, The End of Certainty, 1992, St Leonards, NSW, Allen and Unwin  MCKINLEY, BRIAN, The ALP - A Short History of the Australian Labor Party, 1981, Richmond, Victoria, Heinemann  O'MEAGHER, BRUCE, The Socialist Objective: Labor and Socialism, 1983, Marrickville, NSW, Hale and Iremonger.  VARIOUS, History of the ALP, from http://www.alp.org.au/about/history.html, Last Accessed on .09.09.02, 1:10pm