Dicuss two different readings of John Donne's literature.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
John Donne is recognised as the most prolific metaphysical poet in history. In the post-modern context, his poetry has been both criticised and appreciated. This paper will discuss two of Donne's most recognised love poems, "the Sunne Rising" and "A Valediction forbidding mourning" in light of a feminist critical reading and contrast it with my own appreciative reading. The modern feminist movement started in the late 1960's, and mainly involved middle class female academics fighting …

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…one of Donne's most famous metaphors. It is the perfect image to summarise the values of Donne's spiritual love, which are balanced, symmetrical, intellectual and beautiful in its sophisticated simplicity. In conclusion, it is apparent that the perspective of the responder represents their understanding of Donne's prolific poetry. But indeed (just like great art-work or even Shakespeare), this is exactly why Donne's poetry is great - for people of all time can relate to it.