Dicuss similarities and differences between Homer's Iliad and the movie Troy with reference to what the movie has brought to modern day western culture

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The ancient legend of Troy, recorded in Homer's epic poem "The Iliad" Oxford (trans. Robert Fitzgerald University Press 1974) has been retold in many other forms, the most recent being the blockbuster film "Troy" (2004, Wolfgang Peterson). "Troy" is a basic retelling of the myth, lacking many elements of the book thus containing many inaccuracies. However, it appeals to a modern day audience shortening and condensing stories from the "Iliad", "Odyssey" and "Aenead" and greatly reducing the …

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…pieced together on these would be circumstantial. Homer's "Iliad" and Wolfgang Petersons "Troy" are two different retellings of a myth that has been carried down for centuries, they share basic similarities and doubtless both contain inaccuracies when compared to the archaeological evidence at Troy. The film brings to a modern audience the wonders of Greek History, and inspires interest in Homer's "Iliad" which in turn provides its readers with a more in-depth representation of events.