Diary of Boo Radley

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
>>Pretend you are Boo Radley (from To Kill a Mocking Bird). Write your secret diary entry about how you have been punished and kept in a virtual prison for fifteen years. It has been so very long since my father first locked me up in this house. I mean, I was only a teenager having fun, I did not do anything serious or anything. At first, after a couple of days …

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…of communication with the outside world and filled the knot-hole with cement. I am only allowed to go outside at night under Nathan's supervision. Sometimes, Nathan does not even bother looking over me on my night-time strolls because he knows I will be back. I am too attached to this house and living indoors. I don't want to be released into a world that is too good for me, as my father used to say.