Dialog to the book "No longer at ease"

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Theater
SCENE1: Obi is on his way to his father when he meets an old school mate from Umofia. OBI:Oh! Hallo Jacob it was a long time ago we met. How are you? Jacob:Thanks ,I`m fine. It was certanly a long time ago we met. What are you doing here in Umofia?I heard you work for the Civil Service in Lagos,I hope it`s fun. Obi:I`m here to visit …

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…we can choose whoever we want to our wife. Father:I know but what will the rest of the village going to say. Obi:We have to teach them and make them accept the new generation and what it stands for,everyone has his rights to say and think what he want to. Father:Ok my son let`s try ,but if they say no and we can`t convince them that`s it! END