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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Amadou Diallo, a young man from the African country of Guinea, immigrated to the United States believing that this was the land of opportunity. Like many immigrants before him he settled in the Bronx and earned his living as a peddler. He was an honest citizen trying to get buy in the U.S. unfortunately his life was ended before he could attain his dreams. On the night of February 4, 1999 four undercover police accosted Diallo …

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…be received by a waiter, shopkeeper, innkeeper, or a police officer? Maybe we'd not go on vacation, but stay at home. We talk about being one nation indivisible, but we don't come close. White people in this country are all children of immigrants who, most of them, started out like Diallo, hopeful and poor. But Diallo was a black man and that's why he's dead. Murdered by four white men supposedly upholding "law and order."