Devil take the Hindmost (A history of financial speculation) - by Edward Chancellor. A summary of the book which discusses speculation and how it has shaped the western world.

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Essay Database > History > European History
Devil take the Hindmost (A history of financial speculation) - by Edward Chancellor Jason Murdoch This book discusses speculation and how it has shaped the western world. The book spans from the Romans to Modern day but in keeping with the theme of this course observations will be restricted to the pre 1900 section as much as possible. The book focuses on western economies as the Asian world considers the whole stock trading for profit as …

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…stock market (3)James Whatt invented the static steam engine and Richard Trevvick took the steam engine that he saw in pumping towers that emptied water from mines in Cornwall and adapted it to provide self powered moving tractor unit. There was something odd about the rails in Trevvicks railway that allows Stevenson to claim to be the first train (4)This is known as a partly paid share. Apparently you guys don't have them over here