Developmental Theories and How They Relate to Real Life Scenarios

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Developmental Theories There are many theories on how a human develops. Most babies follow a certain pattern of development but the controversy is which person's developmental pattern of development is correct? Erik Erickson, Sigmund Freud and Jean Piaget's developmental theories are similar. Each of the theories goes through a human's development chronologically, giving a guideline of when certain developments happen. For example when a child is supposed to walk or when a child is going …

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…that was a good thing. He couldn't think abstractly, he just accepted things the way they were. In conclusion I think that all of these stages have good aspects to them and bad aspects to them. For most of them the good outweigh the bad. A parent should not adhere to these guidelines strictly but if a child is far behind any of these stages then the child should get some help to catch up.