Development of Major Political Parties in America

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
The first two major polititcal parties were the Jeffersonian and the Federalists. The Jeffersonians believed in a decentralized government and foreign policy that supported France rather than England. The Federalists were in existance only a short time because of disagreement of the leaders, John Adams and Alexander Hamilton. The United States was a one party nation from 1800 to 1820. In 1828 the Jeffersonain (Democratic Republican) Party split into the Democrats and the Whigs. The Democrats wanted the …

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…four were in 1828, 1860, 1896 and 1932 due to democratization of parties, slavery and the Great Depression. The Vietnam War and urban unrest caused what may have been the most recent realignment of the parties but the Republicans have not been altogether successful in this attempt, partly due to the Watergate scandal. We may be in the midst of another realignment at this time but it will take some time to tell if it is realignment or dealignment.