Detrimental Argument Human Cloning.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Aside from religion, there is diversity in opinion over the ethics of human cloning. Our society tries to divide church from state and laws, but even with this in mind, there is still the question if it is ethical to interfere with the creating of human life, or in other words, to play God. With today's advances in assisting infertile individuals with having children, some argue that there is no reason for cloning. In addition …

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…considering human cloning one must take into consideration that "errors or incompleteness in the reprogramming process could cause deformity, infections and mental retardation in a human clone." (Human). It is also not known how the social interaction of the donor with the clone would affect the clone's psyche. Would the donor expect the clone to live a lifestyle the donor has selected? A person's temperament and mental development are crucial in how their lives progress.