Details of Homeric Poems, and stories.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Details of Homeric Poems The origin of the Homeric poems "The Iliad" and the "Odyssey" are a partial mystery. To recent day knowledge historians know of Homer and that he composed these epic poems. The great mystery of these poems and the poet is that there are no historical implications of whom, and how these poems were composed. Although there isn't information of whom and how, Homer used excellent location and details. The poems in …

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…in 1892 at Hisarlik in Turkey (Gill 1). The modern significance to Homer's work would deal with literature at a pivotal point. Homer was a poetic pioneer in his time (Luce 1). Now Scholars worldwide research his literary devices. The great detail used in his poems led archaeologists to great battles that were fought even before Homer's time. His works may have been the last great baric tradition of oral verse and immaculate preciseness of locations and history.