Detailed description on the Element Iridium.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Chemistry
Iridium report Iridium is a metallic element of the platinum group with the atomic number 77 , atomic mass 192.2, boiling point at about 44oo degrees celcuis (7952 degrees farinheight), and a melting point of 2450 c (4442 f) the irduims symbol is Ir. Iriduim was discovered by a British chemist by the name Smithson Tennat (1761-1815) in 1804 and received its name from the iridescent nature of some of its compounds. it is an extremely rare metal, ranking sixtyfirst in order …

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…to it. salts of iridium are highly colored. it is the most corrosion resistant metal known, not attacked by any acid, but is attacked by molten salts. there are two natural isotopes of iridium, and 4 radioisotopes. The most stable being Ir-192 with a half-life of 73.83 days. Ir-192 decays into platium, while the other radioisotopes decays onto osium. Iridium metal is generally non-toxic due to its relative unreactivity but iridium compounds should be considered highly toxic.