Designer Babies- Dare We Play God?

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
<Tab/>"How about this one?" women points to a baby profile on the screen. <Tab/>"Ugh. Its got my sea green eyes, but your sub-average intelligence. I've told you, our child must be genetically designed to suit the family law practice." <Tab/>It will be created to serve a pre-programmed purpose? It will be tailored like an inadequate garment to suit your needs? …

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…in a laboratory test tube, because she needed alterations before she would be worthy to live? Could a child blossom once she discovered that she was not the flower of unconditional love, but conditional life? <Tab/>Every slice of designing a child clearly results in negative consequences. For the protection of parental sanity, and the emotional and physical health of our children, the only answer is to stop meddling with creation.