Desertification in Ghana

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Desertification What exactly is desertification? Unfortunately, there are many responses and many contradicting definitions. Some say that it is permanent, others say it is a reversible process. There are even debates on whether the definition should include human involvement or not. It seems that all that can be agreed on is that it is "the most serious environmental problem facing Africa today" (Nsiah-Gyabaah, Kwasi. Environmental Degradation and Desertification in Ghana pg 27). At the United Nations …

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…food. Obviously, desertification is a major problem with not only many causes but also as many solutions. The answer, however, lies in the hands of each country and its citizens. Those that try to actively make a difference have a high possibility of success, while those who continue to try to do everything the tradition way will soon find themselves trying to farm or drive cattle on rock and sand. Word Count: 1138 Bibliography See report