Desecration of Stars and Stripes

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Desecration of Stars and Stripes INTRODUCTION Is it more important to protect the icons of our country, or to ensure the right to extremely offensive expressions? The issue of flag burning asks America just that question: Should America tolerate, or condemn? Flag burning does seem to be the ultimate act of symbolic protest used to express dissension against the American Government. There is simply no questioning the fact that flag burning offends people, but the …

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…Amendment would use government as a tool to turn the American flag, a perennial symbol of patriotism, into an untouchable holy object. This is fascism. Ultimately a flag is a simple piece of cloth with many colors and designs imprinted on it; many Americans have clearly invested this fabric with highly emotionally charged values. Although, flag burning is hardly likely to threaten the flag's symbolic value, forbidding flag burning will surely diminish the flag's principles.