Descriptive piece and story

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Audience: Teen-Adult Purpose: To entertain NARRATIVE/DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY As his senses returned to him, the world around him was a blur although he could make out the familiar red velvet curtains in the bay window and the polished wooden floor of his $2 million home. His doctor wandered in as he rubbed his eyes and stretched his lanky body. 'My bike?" he queried groggily 'What happened to it?' 'Jon, Jon, Jon, what've you done to …

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…accident in the Monomeith rainforest and today his will was read to close family members and business friends. According to a close associate the money, thought to be in the high millions was mostly bequeathed to the many charities Mr Knight supported and his closest friends, in a surprising revelation little money was left to his company, HATRIX or his only surviving family member, Andrew Knight, who was on apparent good terms with his brother.