Descriptive essay on the emotion, Revenge.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Soups Up Envision a black cauldron simmering over an open flame. Our recipe calls for a diverse group of ingredients for delivery of an awesome product. Unequal measures of hurt, anger, anxiety, pain, betrayal, bitterness, hate, love, loneliness, pride, greed or jealousy can be stirred into the pot. The steam rises as the ingredients begin a rapid boil. Threatening to overflow the sides of the cauldron, we realize soup is up! Revenge is ready to …

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…the heart, soul, and well being of an individual enmeshed in its web. For those of faith, revenge is best left to be dished out by a higher power. The rest of the world might find some comfort in the old saying, "what goes around, comes around". This old adage is often found to be a good stabilizer of life's ability to even the score, and serve up the bowl of revenge with cosmic justice.