Descriptive Time Sequence

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Untitled I do not profess to be a writer; therefore, I must search through my thoughts painstakingly. I am given the world to write about, yet I can think only of my mother. I do not think of the happier times; instead, it is misery that I can clearly envision. My mother was the very fiber of our family. I was there while diabetes weakened her. Her sight was all but gone, and her strides …

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…rid of you soon. You have just blinked, my formidable foe. You think you have won this contest; therefore, you allowed my thoughts to expand. You would have me hone and dress you, for your final unveiling. I stand here defiantly. I will not write about my secrets; instead, I will write about you. I will give you no title because none is deserved. Be gone from my desk, for your work here is finished.