Descriptions of the components of a plant cell.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Golgi The golgi is like a carrying crate that is designed to transport matter collectively around the cell to where it is needed or even to other cells if the situation arises. The golgi is simply a membrane sack with small tentacle like appendages that uses active transport to propel itself around until it reaches its destination. The golgi is able to hold everything from starch (carbohydrates that can't be stored in the chloroplasts), waste …

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…of eukaryotic cells as well. Cytoplasm The cytoplasm is a liquid in the cell (mostly comprised of water) that flows around every structure and allows matter to flow around to where it is needed. Contractions in the membrane can force movement in the cytoplasm in order to transport sugar and oxygen to the mitochondrion. Another job for the cytoplasm is hydrating the structures and making sure that they are strong and don't crumble under force.