Description of the Berlin Wall

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Essay Database > History > European History
The Berlin Wall Background The Berlin wall was built in 1961 because there were so many people who tried to immigrate into the West side of Berlin and enter a better life then they had in the East side. In the early morning of 8-13-1961 the DDR began to blockade the streets between East and West Berlin with a incite wire fence (= Stacheldrahtzaun) Tanks arrived at concentration points and they blockaded streets with stones and …

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…opened on many places and they let the East Berlin people reach the West side. 1991 the wall was gone except the rest on the Bernauer Street, in the Niederkirchner Street and in the "East Side Gallery" On February 20th 1997 they marked started to mark the place at "Checkpoint Charlie" were the wall was before with a red line. This line should become a length of 20km and should be replaced by double lined paving stones.