Description of Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development until the age of two and early motor development of infants.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
There are a number of different stages of development that occur for infant. Of these, intellecutal development, and motor development are the most prominant forms. Until about the age of fifteen, children are not capable of reasoning like an adult. This is most obviously true for an infant between zero and twenty four months of age. The time of intellectual development between these two ages is known as the sensory motor period. The reflexive stage, …

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…They may begin to master stairs, along with kneeling and carrying objects along with them. At approximatly two years of age, infants have learned to run, pull wheeled toys around and safely negotiate obstacles around the house. Development in children occurs at their own rates, and parents should not worry if they happen not to follow exact schedules that may be found in books. They are just guides to determine when events should generally happen.