Describing how the society has stereotypically defined a male and femal, boy and girl.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Language & Speech
What makes a boy and what makes a girl? Exaggerated characteristics or "stereo types" are often used to portray males and females as being different to each other. Examples of this include, dress style and colour, verbal communication, relationships and actions. Such stereotypes are often portrayed and perpetuated in children's television. Good morning Ms Panetta and 9.04. Today I am going to be talking to you about the Flintstones. The Flintstones is targeted at a children's …

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…times before he faced the fact. Like most females, Wilma supported her husband even though she knew she was right from the start. This is what some people call a good marriage, whereas I prefer the title of a dominating marriage. I hope you enjoyed my analysis of the Flinstones. I hope I have proved my hypothesis that the Flintstones really does perpetuate outdated, stereotypical ideas on how males and females are supposed to behave.