Describes the developmental behavior of adolescents.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
Developmental Profile Cognitive Development Adolescents can build formal systems and reason general theories. These systems and theories can extend beyond practical experience into more abstract concepts. The empirical concrete experiences of earlier childhood are no longer required, instead an adolescent can consider abstract principles like concepts about justice and fairness, or contemplate abstract principles like human rights, love and human existence. The adolescent is able to think hypothetically and reason deductively, and are able to …

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…reasoning. The adolescent has a greater vocabulary and is better able to pick up subtleties in text that may conduct meaning that is not directly stated but implied. Also during adolescence a child may begin to develop a vocabulary "identity". Incorporating slang and words that are familiar to them and use them in conjunction with their increased vocabulary to built speech and language patterns; especially immigrant or families where English is not the primary language.