Describes What a Learning disability is a focuses on dyslexia

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What Is a Learning Disability? Heward, William. (1996). Exceptional Children: An introduction to Special Ed. (5th Ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Lavoie, Richard. (1990). How Can This Be? (Learning Disability), 109 (2), 37. How Can This Be? 1 The learning disability I choose to define and write about is dyslexia. The article was intended for a general audience, as to inform them of the signs, frustrations and anxieties of a person with dyslexia may encounter. Dyslexia according to the current …

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…learning disability. You would have signs to watch for and learn to be sensitive, understanding and patient when dealing with a person with a learning disability. He gives some insight as what to look for when checking areas that are trouble some for example, organization, physical coordination, spoken and written language, memory, social and attention and concentration. These will help people to identify some aspects of dyslexia. There are many organizations to contact for help.