Describe the recurring use of imagery, motifs, themes and ideas in Michael Ondaatje's novel In the Skin Of A Lion. explain how multiple readings can be concluded from the book.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
When examining a text and its effect, it is important to realise that an audience is composed of multiple individuals, each with their own values and interpretations. In The Skin of a Lion, the novel by Michael Ondaatje is created from a complex range of interwoven storylines, and as a result, can evoke many different interpretations from its readers. These readings are evident among the magnificent web of themes, motifs and characters, spun by Ondaatje. …

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…the story. Ondaatje invites his readers to join him as an inclusion in his story, and as the stories unfold, he involves them by explaining certain aspects and conversing with them about the novel. It is in this way that Ondaatje takes on many personas throughout the novel, as he evolves from a creator to something more diverse, as he involves and instructs his audience in the way that they view and understand his novel.