Describe the military tactics used by both the U.S.A and the Vietcong forces in Vietnam in the 1960's

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The U.S.A and the Vietcong had different military tactics; The USA used modern technology such as the napalm bomb. Were as the Vietcong used guerrilla warfare. The USA was confident of success "America could simply not believe that it could be beaten by a bunch of guerrillas in black pyjamas" They thought this because they had the latest equipment and plenty of money. They also had the support of people "Television seems to …

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…and attack the US embassy. They succeeded by driving 60,000 into South Vietnam. They were repulsed with heavy losses. The Vietcong surrounded the Embassy. There was an impact on Americans to see their embassy under attack. This happened in January 1968. As you can see the tactics were very different, the US using all there money and might but getting nowhere and the Vietcong using the basics and succeeding. Sometimes bigger and stronger is not always better.