"Describe the benefits the colonies gained from federation, and discuss the impact that federation had on the typical Australian"

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Essay Database > History > World History
In January 1901, the six separate, self-governing colonies of Australia united in federation, consequently creating the continent- nation, the Commonwealth of Australia. A constitution was drawn up modelled similarly, upon the British and American constitutions. As an outcome of federation, the life of the separate states, and individual citizens shifted. Edmund Barton, the introductory prime minister of federal government supported the growth of the nation's economy, and developed the creation of a fused defence system. In …

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…the time, the living standard for white men, generally rose. The chief strength, of federation was the sense of nationalism shaped, regardless of colony, in the minds of all citizens. Australians united, in the spirit of their island, continent country. Bibliography- Australia, History of-World Book 1999 Experience of Nationhood-Class textbook http://www.nla.gov.au/guides/federation/politics.html http://www.objectivists.org.au/NewsLinks/ProtFallacy.htm http://www.curriculum.edu.au/democracy/classroom/fedfacts.htm