Describe some of the techniques which may be used within the media to marginalize the views and experiences of any one group of your choice.

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Genres
I have decided to focus on Race as my group. The opinions of groups within the media depend on the way the audience portray it so race can be portrayed in a number of ways. Representation means the way in which ideas, objects, people, groups and life form in the real world. Race can be shown in lots of negative ways through films, radio and all across the media. An area of minority that has …

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…can be learnt. Visual techniques are often used to portray an equal race so it attracts a bigger range of audience, a good example of this is within the gap advertising, the newest advert is a TV advert called 'Love' and it portrays a family sweater advert and has a mixed race cast including Asian, black, and whites, and they have even used a mixed race for the music to show this developing equal ness.