Describe some of the positive and negative roles played by Multinational Corporations (MNC's) in the contemporary world economy?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
Introduction What is a Multinational Corporation (MNC's)? Multinational companies are firms with their home base in one country and operations in many other nations. Most of these very immense firms establish in third word countries or developing countries where they could manufacture the same identical product for very low costs compared to establishing the same firm in the western countries producing that product. Although transnational corporations (TNC's) are commonly thought to be synonymous with MNC's …

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…Generally developed countries usually favor MNCs as it allows firms to make more profit with cheaper labor. With developing countries the stance is not very clear usually they will favor this in order to boost the economy and infrastructure. Thus delegates must consider many complex economic factors that would help explain whether it is in their favor to support or oppose multinational corporations based on whether that particular developing nation has comparative advantage or not.