Describe several language techniques used in each text. Explain why they are important.

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Essay Database > History > European History
From the perspective of soldiers we experience what men suffered during World War I. Through the vivid imagery and the dramatic language in the poems 'Attack' and 'Exposure', Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen share their views on war. That all war is- is fear, misery and death. Sasson descibes a battlefield where men are on the attack. They follow behind a tank, fighting their way up a "scarred slope", clambering over barbed wire, right into …

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…experiencing. "But nothing happens." was a very effective ironic sentence, because althought nothing 'officially' happened, men still died and had to be carried away to be buried. This sentence was repeated to emphasize this fact. These poems along with many others that were written about World War I, helped the people who weren't involved with the fighting understand what war was life for the soldiers and that all war caused was fear, misery and death.