Describe and discuss the Aztec civilization. What factors may have lead to its collapse?

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Essay Database > History > European History
The Aztec civilization was the name given to the group of different states that dominated central and southern Mexico. These states were allied but ethnically different between the 12th and 16th centuries, around the time of the Spanish invasion. The Heinemann Australian Dictionary (1992) defines the word Aztec as: "a) any of a people inhabiting Mexico between A.D. 1100 and A.D. 1519 (the Spanish Invasion). b) their language, a variety of which is still spoken in …

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…typhus between the years 1545 to 1581, wiping out nearly 80% of the population in 60 years. The collapse of the Aztecs didn't just come from the invasion of the Spanish but from a couple of factors also including the miscommunication and lack of cultural understanding between the two empires. These two empires had different perspectives of the world. The Aztecs had their belief of prophecy and religion and the Spanish of power, riches and conquests of new lands.