Derrick Bell's "Space Traders"

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
In looking at Derrick Bell's "The Space Traders" as an allegory, the characters personify the abstract subjects of late twentieth-century racial politics. In the text the politics of the United States revolves around anti-black thinking, and many white subjects believe that all the environmental and economical problems in the U.S. is due to the black race. Secondly, "the space trade" comprehends Bell's concept of "the permanence of racism" in the Unites States. Bell believes …

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…and Bell's concept of "the permanence of racism" in the United States. Bell's ability to symbolize the characters in "The Space Traders", allows his readers to comprehend his belief that racism will always exist in America. In conclusion, it is my belief that a color line will always exist in the U.S. between white and black subjects, and that this country's political and social structure is centered on the will of the white race.