Depth Analysis of the Movie "Crash"

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Pages: 8
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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
Abstract This paper will provide a broad analysis of the movie "Crash", and yet a specific picture of visual narrative techniques and audio techniques. The categories contributing to the nucleus and major movie components are theatrical elements, cinematography, editing, and sound. The Academy Award winning movie Crash is a story about society's controversial subjects projected in an "in your face" depiction of lives that in some way or another, cross. Depth Analysis of the Movie "…

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…May 27, 2006 from <Tab/> Haggis, P. (Producer) & Haggis, P. (Director). (2005). Crash. USA: Lions Gate Entertainment IMDB. (2006). Biography for Mark Isham. Retrieved May 26, 2006 from <Tab/> Lions Gate Entertainment. (2005). The official website MovieWeb, Inc. (2006). Crash. Retrieved May 28, 2006 from <Tab/>