Depression Story, Interview.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Marcel is what mental health workers call a "survivor." The grey-haired, 55-year-old Gananoque-area resident, a member of the depression recovery support group at the Leeds and Grenville Rehabilitation and Counselling Services, speaks with difficulty, slowly and with frequent pauses. His eyes are lowered, his hands shake and he works nervously with his pen on the plastic cap of his open pop bottle as he recounts some of the horrific incidents that caused his illness. Other …

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…That's what helps Marcel after he sinks into tears for the second time during his long, rambling narrative of pain. As his story draws to an end, the group learns that Marcel is now on a very specific mission. It turns out "Marcel" is not his name at all. He was adopted, and is now searching for his biological family. For the moment, the people at this table are the best family he has known.