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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Depression is awful disease that affects almost twelve million Americans. Depression can be a crippling disease. It can cause withdrawal, anger, confusion, other diseases, or even death. Suicide caused by depression is the third biggest killer among teenagers. Every forty five minutes a teenager takes his or her life. These are all staggering statistics about a disease that some researchers say may be predisposed. Picture a person(Wendy). Now all of her life Wendy has …

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…most commonly by their safety profile or tolerability, although there are indications that efficacy, especially in severe depression, varies between classes of antidepressants. As of now, Scientist really don't know whether depression is genetically predisposed. Lots of scientist have different theories about the topic. I think that depression is predisposed. The case studies that I read were very convincing. Until scientist find the answer to the question, I guess its up to us to decide.