Density, Volume, and Mass

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Mathematics
Do you know how to figure out the volume of a cardboard-box? Do you know the density of your favorite book? Do you know what mass is? In my essay I am going to tell you all about these things, and more. <Tab/>The first things that you need to know are the definitions of mass, volume, and density. The definition of mass (provided by is: The measure of …

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…properly I divide the mass of the object (500 grams) by the volume of the object (250 cubic inches) and I get a quotient of 2. This means that there are 2 grams of weight for every cubic inch of the box. Now that you have found the density of the box, you would state, "The density of that box is 2 grams per cubic inch!" Sources:[Webster's Collegiate Dictionary] [Oak Meadow "Earth Science" learning guide] [Paul Cotti] []