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Essay Database > History
History Queen Margaret was born in 1353 and died in 1412. She was the Queen of Denmark, Sweden and Norway. She was the queen of these countries all at different times in her life. Another Queen Margaret Brought together Sweden, Denmark, and Norway all under one kingdom but after a while they separated and returned to different countries. King Fredrick III made the people of Denmark have less power over the government. When he did this he …

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…literature. He wrote poems, plays, and other kinds of literature. Hans Christian Anderson was born in 1805 and died in 1875. He wrote Fairy tales that helped many people. His work and literature has been turned into more than 80 languages from all around the world. I enjoyed working on this research topic because I learned a lot of things from it. I learned about World War II, Cities in Denmark, and lots more. It was really fun.