Demolition of a Soul: "All Quiet on the Western Front" by Erich Maria Remarque.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Written by Erich Maria Remarque, "All Quiet on the Western Front" is considered to be one of the most genuine and true to life war novels ever created. However, the main reason this classic novel is a notch above the rest is the astonishing ability of Remarque to illustrate how the war destroyed a soldier to the point of emotional paralysis, and how it disintegrated the very soul of a man. Let the months and …

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…the Western Front" is a perfect example that reflects how war can corrupt a soldier's mind; scar him for life and, "ruin for everything". It conveys the fact that, when one reaches a certain point in war, he can neither turn back to his previous existence, nor look at the future like he did before. With each paragraph, Remarque guides the reader to witness the demolition of a man's soul under the most dreadful circumstances.