Demographic Population Problems
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Essay Database > History
In the rise and fall of events, historians saw that there were problems retrieving information from the 17th century from mostly peasants or those who could not read or write. When getting the information form certain period, it would be difficult to find out what most peasants did during their life because they could not write down the things they did from day to day. Areas such as Southern Europe made retrieving information difficult because
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nutritional products, wheat prices rose slowly, wages almost stayed the same, fewer plagues occurred after 1750 and population rose from then on, less of a child mortality rate after 1790 and the average life expectancy was larger than before. The agricultural revolution was a big step towards a more urbanized Europe and new techniques of farming aided it greatly. An industrialized age was soon to come to advance the agricultural revolution and help establish a new society.
nutritional products, wheat prices rose slowly, wages almost stayed the same, fewer plagues occurred after 1750 and population rose from then on, less of a child mortality rate after 1790 and the average life expectancy was larger than before. The agricultural revolution was a big step towards a more urbanized Europe and new techniques of farming aided it greatly. An industrialized age was soon to come to advance the agricultural revolution and help establish a new society.